Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Althusser- interpellation
 Interpellation is a concept in marxist social and political theory that explains how ideas get into our heads and how this affects our lives. So much so that cultural ideas have a hold on us so that we believe that they are our own. An idea is not simply your own- it has been presented to you.
In my work have I used interpelling to push my audience into a particular ideological position?

Barthes- structuralism/cultural myth
 BINARY OPPOSITIONS= which binary oppositions structure my text? Why have I used them/was I aware of using them? Good vs Evil
CULTURAL MYTH= Media representations relate to the braoder culutral myths and belief systems. Anything can become a myth if it is used as a sign to convey meaning. Has the way I've conveyed males/race/class/age reinforce or challenge any cultural myths? How and why? Teenagers-angst

Barthes- death of the author
 Essay which argues against the traditional literary criticism by saying that the writing and the creator are unrelated. The social and historical background of the author, e.g. social status, origin, context, religion have no effect on the text.
Readers create their own meanings so texts are always 'Unstable and open to question'. A texts unity lies not in its origins or its creator but "in it's destination" or its audience.
Audience repetition model
Question on specifically audience
Apply to a production

Mulvey- male gaze theory
 In film audiences have to 'view' characters from the perspective of a heterosexual male. Is there evidence of the male gaze in the representation of females in my work? How do I feel about it?

Winship- gender complicity
The gaze between cover model and women readers marks the complicity between women seeing themselves in the image in which the masculine culture has defined. We are prepared for the reward of gratification, to recognise the ideal version of ourselves, despite the anxiety it will cause when we compare ourselves to this ideal. To what extent do your products encourage this gender complicity? how and why/why not?

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