"The Selfish Giant directed by clio banard portrays the lives of "people who are otherwise airbrushed from the picture of contemporary society. They do pop up in the media once in a while but are soon removed by more appealing images, such as royal wedding or London Olympics. As if afterwards everyone in the UK reverts back to five o'clock tea and watching football games at a local pub.
In order to see similar living conditions we don't need to leave the European Union. Therefore, it is questionable why would The Selfish Giant have more artistic merit than a docudrama about immigrants in France, jobless Spaniards, rural Poland, Gypsies in Romania or any other environment "reformed" towards free market and liberal capitalism.
The selfish Giant basically shows how captialism works; not by making an academic movie with statistical figures but by telling the highly capturing dramatic story of two teenagers in an English community who need to collect scrap to make ends meet. They are no longer motivated in studying, because the bills need to be payed by the end of the month. At school they are expelled because of their frustrated behaviour. Their family is in ruin due to the stress caused by not earning enough money. In their quest for scrap they see how the best theif's also gain the most money. So eventually they turn to criminal behaviour. Not by choice, but by neccesity. Making money becomes seperated from "doing the right thing" to do."- IMBD
The Selfish Giant is described as being "An intensely felt piece of social realism" within The Guardians review found here http://www.theguardian.com/film/2013/may/17/the-selfish-giant-cannes-2013-review
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